Thursday, July 25, 2013

Giving this whole blogging thing a try.

With Pinterest and Google, you can find a solution to everything. So I asked myself, why bother with your own blog when someone else has already done it elsewhere? What can you offer that a dozen other blogs can't? The answer? Nothing. But I like the idea of documenting all the little DIY things and living tips that we've picked up along the way. Sure, Pinterest does the same thing. But this blog is primarily for us, and if it helps a few others along the way, then wonderful. 

So, who are we? We are a young-ish couple who love doing DIY projects and implementing interesting lifehacks. We are coupon cutters, crafters, and builders. We like trying new things, and will research products up the wazoo before actually buying it. When we find awesome products, we want to share the wealth. When we happen to make something cool, we want to pass it along in case you think it's cool too. We're like Oprah and her Favorite Things! Except not rich. Or famous. And we don't give away free stuff. Sorry.

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